Home Spay & Neuter
All animals available for adoption through LNAR are spay/neutered before adoption, including puppies and kittens. We have researched juvenile spay neuter and alter even young puppies and kittens. We have had NO issues with altering HEALTHY animals as young as 10 weeks. In fact we have found their recovery time is much quicker and quite often they are up and about within a few hours.
There are several clinics in the area that offer spay/neuters. Please contact the clinic of your choice. Some clinics offers specials so you may want to shop around.
Frequently asked questions
What is spaying?
A female dog or cat is spayed by surgically removing her ovaries and uterus. The surgery is technically referred to as ovariohysterectomy.
What is neutering?
Although “neutering” can apply to the sterilization surgery on both male and female animals, it is generally used to refer to the surgery on male animals. A male dog or cat is neutered by surgically removing his testicles. The surgery is technically referred to as orchiectomy.
Don’t these operations hurt? Are they safe?
Spaying and neutering are the most common surgeries performed on animals. Spay and neuter surgeries are both performed under general anesthesia, so the dog or cat will not feel any pain from the surgery. They will usually go home the same day and will resume normal behavior in 1-2 days. The surgeries are extremely safe due to the newer, safer anesthetics being used by today’s veterinarians.
Won’t my pet get fat and lazy if I spay or neuter him or her?
A pet gets fat and lazy because their family feeds them too much and don’t give them enough exercise. Your pet’s weight depends on you!
Isn’t it better to let my female dog or cat have one litter first?
Medical evidence suggests that the opposite is true. In fact, evidence shows that females spayed before their first heat tend to be healthier. Many veterinarians now sterilize dogs and cats as young as eight weeks of age with no ill effects.
But my pet is purebred, why shouldn’t I breed him or her?
At least one out of every four pets brought to animal shelters in the United States is a purebred. Breeding pets responsibly requires knowledge and a large commitment of time and money. Unless you belong to your dog breed club or cat club and unless the experts there have determined that breeding your pet will improve the breed, your pet should be spayed or neutered.
But if I find good homes for all the kittens or puppies, won’t it be ok?
No. Millions of kittens and puppies are killed in animal shelters every year. There are just too many kittens and puppies and not enough homes. Let the homes that would have taken your puppies or kittens adopt a puppy or kitten from a shelter, rescue group or purchase one from an experienced reputable breeder instead. Furthermore, only 2 out of every 10 pets end up staying in his original home for his entire life so many of the puppies or kittens that you would produce may eventually end up in an animal shelter. Could you live with yourself knowing that many of the puppies or kittens you bred ended up being killed in a shelter? Do you know how to ask the correct questions to find the best homes for the puppies or kittens you breed or will you just be eager to place them in any home once they become overly active and hard to clean up after? Will you ensure that the puppies or kittens that you breed will be spayed or neutered by age 6 months so that none of them will also add to the pet overpopulation pyramid? Leave breeding up to the experts.